Thursday, June 19, 2014

I should have known that our friendship would hit a snag.......

Although Ashleigh and I haven't known each other long, (We met just over a week ago.)  Satan is already trying to break our friendship apart.  But I will not let this happen!

Earlier in the week, Joshua managed to find a soda that my husband bought (against my request, because soda's are unhealthy.)  And not only did he have one, but he gave Nataleigh one!  I was horrified.  He's never been willfully disobedient but I know he was this time because I told him one night that Nataleigh's family didn't drink soda's.  He's been grounded to his room for the next week, unless he has to use the bathroom or eat he's not leaving his bedroom until Saturday.

Another source of contention between Ashleigh and I is that she found out that the children are vaccinated.  Well, they wouldn't if it were up to me.  I would be happy to let them run around unvaccinated, but Mark insists that they are vaccinated.

I'm not happy with Mark this week.  But I must submit to him, for he is my husband.

Oh, I've finished a simple baby sweater for my oldest grandchild!  5 years can't pass quickly enough!


  1. I apologize for being so rude... I had no idea it was all Mark's fault! GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN! And leave my friends alone!

  2. Your tent behind Ashleigh's house has rooms?! WOW

  3. Tent mansion. Nice. Your satire is getting meh. Spice it up ladies. "Get thee behind me Satan" was a decent attempt.


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